Gaia Mama

by Julie Wilder


This is an online journal that began with the discovery I was pregnant with Maya Juniper Rose, who was born at home in August 2009. I share my most personal thoughts and insights about pregnancy, birth, motherhood and family life here. You can start at the very first blog post or skip ahead and watch the slideshow of her birth or read my account of my totally epic painless birth experience. Being a single mom & working full time slowed my postings around the time she started walking, but now that the little whipper snapper is in school, I’ll be writing more frequently. I am very active with sharing resources, articles and quick thoughts on the Gaia Mama facebook page.

I am known best in my community for being a social entrepreneur. My first venture was Dandelion Communitea Cafe, a very successful organic gathering place I cultivated in Orlando, Florida for a decade until my exit in May 2015. I am the producer & host of Front Porch Radio on WPRK 91.5 FM . I have several other blogs and projects, go here to discover my other dimensions.