Maya’s Birth

Maya Juniper Rose was born August 24th, 2009 at exactly 10am in the morning after exactly 17 hours of being in labor.

She was born at home (on purpose), in water, surrounded by the most amazing birth support team a gal could ask for. YES it was a painless birth, with the exception of the legendary “ring of fire” and sudden arrival of Maya’s head, which did hurt, but oh-so-briefly. No, mama did not experience an orgasmic birth, but a couple of the ladies on the birthing team joke that they almost had one, it was such an amazing experience! Ecstatic birth would be the most accurate description.

Supporting Cast:

  • Midwife Kelli Johnson of A Mothers Nature Midwifery
  • Amber Melendy of Shine On Yoga acted as my doula & guided me through my journey
  • Sharon Dahlquist of YOU Health Center gave me the best massage ever! and got primal with me in her pregnant state
  • Sandra Diaz drove down from NC for the big event, distracting me when necessary, urging me to release when appropriate
  • Henry Melendy of My Yard Farm anchored the male energy and captured my birthing time on video…just wait til that hits the big screen ;p

I am blessed to share this sacred story with you visually in a stunning slideshow captured by Cristy Nielsen and also in my own words. Click below to explore!

5 thoughts on “Maya’s Birth

  1. Love It!

    I am a proud supporter and proponent of home Birth. I had two of my babies with Kelli’s assistance, and all three at home!


  2. Thank you……as a woman, mom and doula your and Maya’s journey reached me to my core and filled me with joy and peace for all that is good and right in our amazing world!!!
    thank you for sharing…..for understanding and believing xox


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